DLC is proud to announce an exciting design plan for the restored Nature Observatory located behind Davidson K-8 School. In fall 2019, we asked Student Council class representatives to solicit feedback from their classmate constituents about features and infrastructure that would make learning fun and meaningful in an outdoor setting. Taking these suggestions, landscape architect Gary Fankhauser of Viz Designs created a beautiful, natural, and welcoming vision for a true outdoor-lab environment.
Wildlife corridors are typically wooded and located along small streams.
The reality of living and learning during a global pandemic has driven home the value of outdoor spaces. Nature provides a respite from the stress of daily life in any circumstances, but particularly under COVID restrictions. Open air venues for safer, socially distanced learning and playing in a school setting give teachers an added option, one with numerous social, cognitive, physical, and mental health benefits for children. As children spend fewer daily minutes in nature every year, outdoor learning labs like the one at DK8 provide critical remedies to the nature-deficit crisis.
The post Blazing New Trails appeared first on Davidson Lands Conservancy.